Fr. Bill Moore, was born in Glendale, California. He received a B.A. in Fine Arts from Saint Mary's University, Winona, Minnesota. He holds a Master's Degree in Theology from the Washington Theological Coalition. He was ordained a Catholic priest in 1975 and taught art and religion at Damien High School in La Verne, and at Bishop Alemany High School in Mission Hills.

From 1990 through 1997 he served as Associate Pastor and pastor at Holy Name of Mary Church in San Dimas. Upon completion of his sabbatical in 1998, Fr. Bill was assigned by his religious order, the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts to the Ministry of the Arts. He celebrates weekend liturgies at Holy Name of Mary Catholic Church, in San Dimas California.

 Artist Statement:
 We live in hurried times-and are inundated with countless images. We are immersed in a world that affords each of us the capacity to immediately access a staggering wealth of imagery. What's more, the boundaries separating reality and virtual reality are continually diminishing.

My art is all about hope in, and love for the physical world, which according to my beliefs and traditions, can link us to the spiritual realms-to God.

 Through my art I'm asking myself and anyone who would wish, to slow down, look, touch, and consider the essential colors, shapes and textures that can feed our souls.

Fr. Bill Moore, SS.CC


6th - Stations of the Cross by Fr. Bill Moore

6th - Stations of the Cross by Fr. Bill Moore

7th - Stations of the Cross by Fr. Bill Moore

7th - Stations of the Cross by Fr. Bill Moore

8th - Stations of the Cross by Fr. Bill Moore

8th - Stations of the Cross by Fr. Bill Moore

9th - Stations of the Cross by Fr. Bill Moore

9th - Stations of the Cross by Fr. Bill Moore

Stations of the Cross - Full Set of 14

Stations of the Cross - Full Set of 14